Python API ========== HTTPolice can be used as a Python library: for example, to analyze requests or responses as part of a test suite. It is **not intended** to be used inside live production processes. Example ------- .. literalinclude:: API reference ------------- .. autoclass:: httpolice.Request :members: notices, silence | .. autoclass:: httpolice.Response :members: notices, silence | .. autoclass:: httpolice.Exchange :members: silence .. attribute:: request The :class:`~httpolice.Request` object passed to the constructor. .. attribute:: responses The list of :class:`~httpolice.Response` objects passed to the constructor. | .. autofunction:: httpolice.check_exchange | .. class:: Notice .. attribute:: id The notice’s ID (an integer). .. attribute:: severity The notice’s severity. This is an opaque value that should only be compared to the constants :data:`httpolice.ERROR`, :data:`httpolice.COMMENT`, and :data:`httpolice.DEBUG`. | .. autofunction:: httpolice.text_report | .. autofunction:: httpolice.html_report Integration helpers ------------------- .. automodule:: httpolice.helpers :members: