Viewing reports =============== .. highlight:: none By default, HTTPolice produces simple plain text reports like this:: ------------ request 1 : PUT /articles/109226/ E 1000 Malformed If-Match header C 1093 User-Agent contains no actual product ------------ response 1 : 100 Continue ------------ response 2 : 204 No Content C 1110 204 response with no Date header E 1221 Strict-Transport-Security without TLS ------------ request 2 : POST /articles/109226/comments/ ... They are intended to be suitable for grep and other Unix-like tools. Use the ``-o html`` option to enable much more detailed HTML reports. These include explanations for every notice, cross-referenced with the standards, as well as previews of the actual requests and responses. (Please note that these previews **do not represent exactly** what was sent on the wire. For example, in an HTTP/1.x request, a header may have been split into two physical lines, but will be rendered as one line in the report.) .. highlight:: console What if you want full details like in HTML reports, but still in plain text? Just use a text-mode Web browser like `w3m`__:: $ httpolice -o html ... | w3m -M -T text/html __