Viewing reportsΒΆ

By default, HTTPolice produces simple plain text reports like this:

------------ request 1 : PUT /articles/109226/
E 1000 Malformed If-Match header
C 1093 User-Agent contains no actual product
------------ response 1 : 100 Continue
------------ response 2 : 204 No Content
C 1110 204 response with no Date header
E 1221 Strict-Transport-Security without TLS
------------ request 2 : POST /articles/109226/comments/

They are intended to be suitable for grep and other Unix-like tools.

Use the -o html option to enable much more detailed HTML reports. These include explanations for every notice, cross-referenced with the standards, as well as previews of the actual requests and responses. (Please note that these previews do not represent exactly what was sent on the wire. For example, in an HTTP/1.x request, a header may have been split into two physical lines, but will be rendered as one line in the report.)

What if you want full details like in HTML reports, but still in plain text? Just use a text-mode Web browser like w3m:

$ httpolice -o html ... | w3m -M -T text/html