Installation ============ .. highlight:: console HTTPolice is a Python package that requires `Python`__ 2.7 or 3.4+. `PyPy`__ is also supported (reasonably recent versions; 5.3.1 is OK). __ __ Like other Python packages, HTTPolice is installed with `pip`__ from `PyPI`__. If you’re not familiar with pip, you may need to install it `manually`__ or `from your OS distribution`__. __ __ __ __ On Debian/Ubuntu ---------------- Depending on your setup, you may or may not need to install these packages:: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev Then, to install the HTTPolice command-line tool into ``~/.local/bin``:: $ pip install --user HTTPolice Or, to install it system-wide:: $ sudo pip install HTTPolice Check that the installation was successful:: $ httpolice --version HTTPolice 0.7.0 On Fedora --------- Same as above, but the dependency packages are:: $ sudo dnf install python-pip gcc gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config python-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libffi-devel On Windows ---------- After installing `a recent Python`__, typically all you need to do is:: C:\Users\Vasiliy\...\Python36>Scripts\pip install HTTPolice Check that the installation was successful:: C:\Users\Vasiliy\...\Python36>Scripts\httpolice --version HTTPolice 0.7.0 __ But if ``pip install`` starts trying (and failing) to compile some libraries, you may need to give it a hand: check the `PyPI`__ pages for those libraries (such as `lxml`__ or `brotlipy`__) to find versions that have suitable pre-built binares (``*-win32.whl``), and install those specific versions first. For example:: C:\Users\Vasiliy\...\Python36>Scripts\pip install lxml==3.8.0 C:\Users\Vasiliy\...\Python36>Scripts\pip install brotlipy==0.7.0 C:\Users\Vasiliy\...\Python36>Scripts\pip install HTTPolice __ __ __